711 Madison Avenue
A neo-Grec style row house designed by Charles Baxter, built in 1877, and altered in the 20th century. Application is to replace windows.
173 East 75th Street
A Renaissance Revival style school building designed by Robert J. Reiley and built in 1925-26. Application is to install an awning.
702-708 Madison Avenue & 22-24 East 63rd Street
A two-story neo-Federal style building designed by Merwin Shrady and built in 1940, a three-story neo-Federal style bank building designed by Frank Easton Newman and built in 1921, and an empty lot with a brick wall.
Grand Army Plaza
A plaza originally established in the 1860s and expanded and redesigned by Carrere and Hastings in 1913-1916. Application is to regrade and reset paving.
827 Madison Avenue
A residence built in 1880 and modified in 1923 by James Casale. Application is to re-clad the commercial ground floor and modify masonry openings.
737 Park Avenue
Classicizing Art-Deco style building designed by Sylvan Bien and constructed in 1940. Application to remove ground floor window grilles.
28-30 East 92nd Street
Two Renaissance Revival style row houses designed by Henry J. Hardenbergh and built in 1892-95. Application is to combine the buildings, alter the areaways, and construct rooftop and rear yard additions
2-6 East 61st Street
A neo-Classical style hotel designed by Schultze and Weaver and built in 1929-30. Application is to replace an existing addition.
11-15 East 70th Street
A neo-French Classic style residence, designed by John Duncan, and built in 1909-1910; and a Beaux-Arts style residence, designed by Charles I. Berg, and built in 1909-1910. Application is to amend Certificate of Appropriateness for a Master Plan for the installation of new window openings.
4 East 62nd Street
A row house built in 1879-1880 and redesigned in the neo-Renaissance style in 1898 by Clinton and Russell.