Watch It Again: “City of Yes for Housing Opportunity: Impacts on Upper East & West Sides” with George Janes

Watch a recording of our online talk "City of Yes Explained" by urban planner and zoning expert George Janes held on January 18th and co-sponsored by FRIENDS of the Upper East Side Historic Districts and Landmark West!

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Watch It Again: Jacob Wrey Mould and the Artful Beauty of Central Park

Watch a recording of an illustrated talk, "Jacob Wrey Mould and the Artful Beauty of Central Park" by architectural historian Francis R. Kowsky.

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Watch It Again: “City of Yes” with George Janes

Watch a recording of our online talk "City of Yes Explained" by urban planner and zoning expert George Janes held on January 18th and co-sponsored by FRIENDS of the Upper East Side Historic Districts and Landmark West!

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Watch It Again: “Fact and Fiction about the 12FAR Cap” with George Janes

Watch a recording of our online talk "Fact and Fiction about the 12FAR Cap" by urban planner and zoning expert George Janes held on March 21st and co-sponsored by FRIENDS of the Upper East Side Historic Districts and Landmark West!

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More Buildings ≠ More Housing, and More Housing ≠ Affordable Housing

Earlier this year, four historic tenement buildings on the southeast corner of East 75th Street and Third Avenue were demolished to pave way for a new 214 foot tall building, developed by the EJS Group and designed by Beyer Blinder Belle.

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“A Really Sketchy Deal”: New Details About the Blood Center Rezoning

Council Member Ben Kallos explained his opposition to the altered proposal of the Blood Center rezoning. FRIENDS will continue to stand with the electeds and community in opposition to this project, and the prospect of forever weakening member deference, the only bit of leverage average New Yorkers have against powerful

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Today in the Daily News: This debate is not about blood. And it’s not just about shadows either. It’s about a meaningful seat at the table.

Council Member Ben Kallos explained his opposition to the altered proposal of the Blood Center rezoning. FRIENDS will continue to stand with the electeds and community in opposition to this project, and the prospect of forever weakening member deference, the only bit of leverage average New Yorkers have against powerful

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lower level view of NY blood center rendering

In The News: UES residents at war with New York Blood Center over HQ building plans

Read Melissa Klein's article at the New York Post about the ongoing fight against the Blood Center/Longfellow redevelopment.

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Scrapping the ‘Tower on Stilts’

We are thrilled to announce that 249 East 62nd Street, the poster-child example of egregious loopholes in supertalls, has been purchased by a new owner, with a new architect, and a new as-of-right design. The proposal that was dubbed the Jetsons' Building is "outta here"!

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lower level view of NY blood center rendering

TODAY: NY Blood Center Environmental Scoping Session

Today, December 15, NYC Department of City Planning will hold its first scoping meeting for the New York Blood Center development. The scoping hearing reviews the Draft Scope of Work for the environmental impact statement which the Blood Center must complete before the project enters the formal public review process, or ULURP.

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