163 East 69th Street
A neo-Gregorian style garage and house designed by Albro & Lindeberg and built in 1909, and later altered in 1954. Application is to construct rooftop and rear yard additions, modify masonry opening, replace windows and doors, and install balconies.
14 East 60th Street
A Beaux-Arts style hotel building designed by R.C. Gildersleeve and built in 1902. Application is to replace storefront infill and install signage.
900 Madison Avenue
An apartment building with classical details designed by Sylvan Bien and built in 1939. Application is to modify the base of the building and install illuminated signage.
45 East 70th Street
A neo-French Classic style mansion designed by Aymar Embury II and built in 1928-29. Application is to replace decorative metal balconies, stairs and railings, and alter the perimeter fence at the rear yard.
160 East 70th Street
Italianate style residence with some Neo-Classical elements, designed by William McNamara and constructed in 1872-1874, present facade designed by Thomas Lehreche and constructed in 1961.
107 East 64th Street
A rowhouse designed by W.P. & A.M. Parsons, originally built in 1881-1882, and later altered c. 1939 by George B. Post & Sons. Application is to construct rooftop additions.
5‐7 East 62nd Street
A Modern style synagogue building designed by Percival Goodman and built in 1956.
61 East 77th Street
A neo-Federal style school building with Beaux-Art style features designed by Harde and Hasselman built in 1916. Application is to reconstruct the stoop and construct a barrier-free access ramp.
135 East 71st Street
An apartment building built in 1959. Application is to modify the building's base, replace storefront infill, establish a Master Plan for the installation of signage, and modify a Master Plan for the replacement of windows.
1022 Lexington Avenue
A neo-Grec style rowhouse built in 1880-1881 and designed by Thom and Wilson. Application is to replace storefront and entrance infill and modify openings.