IN THE NEWS: Developer Zoning Fraud

The issue of zoning fraud, heightened by the Buildings Department’s broken self-certification program, was highlighted today in an opinion piece published today in Gotham Gazette, by Diana Florence, the former head of the Manhattan District Attorney’s Construction Fraud Task Force.

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The Fight to Save First Avenue Estate: Looking Back

FRIENDS recently capped its weeklong series exploring the cultural and historical context of Yorkville’s City and Suburban First Avenue Estate and the decades-long battle to preserve it, which relied upon both local advocates and the legal system at our country’s highest court.

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A Perilous Path to Protection: Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of a Landmark

April 2020 marks the 55th anniversary of the New York City Landmarks Law, and this year, our neighborhood has something extra special to celebrate as we honor this milestone year. As of October 2019, the City and Suburban First Avenue Estate has been saved from demolition, thanks to a years-long,

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Annual Awards 2020: Honoring New York City Council

In this second of our series to celebrate FRIENDS 2020 Annual Awards recipients we highlight our 2020 Expression of Thanks Awardee New York City Council for adopting Resolution No. 916, which amends the Zoning Resolution to put a cap on exempt mechanical void space within new buildings in residential neighborhoods.

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200 Amsteram

Community Advocacy: Recent Victories and Ongoing Battles

On the heels of of the news regarding 200 Amsterdam, we thought this to be a good time to talk to you about zoning and development.

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Rachel testifying

A year-end message from the Executive Director of FRIENDS

From the New York City Council to the U.S. Supreme Court — it's been a year of stunning successes for FRIENDS!

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78th Street

Help FRIENDS Fight Against Upper East Side Mega-Towers

ARE YOU KIDDING ME? That's what I said when I saw this image showing the impact of two massive residential towers looming over a block of historic, elegant, five-story row houses like Behemoth Bookends.

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U.S. Supreme Court Denies Stahl an Appeal AGAIN

FRIENDS is thrilled to share the news that the U.S. Supreme Court has denied Stahl an appeal for the second time.

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Mechanical Voids Zoning Text Amendment Summary and Impact

On Wednesday, May 29th, the New York City Council voted to amend the Zoning Resolution to cap exempt mechanical void space within new buildings in residential neighborhoods.

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New York Times Covers FRIENDS’ Challenge of 1059 Third Avenue

As reported in April 2019, FRIENDS of the Upper East Side Historic Districts filed a zoning challenge against 1059 Third Avenue, at the corner of East 63rd Street.

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