ADVOCACY UPDATE: FRIENDS testifies before City Planning on Zoning Text Amendment
As any good preservationist would, I will start with a bit of history. In 1985, our founding president, Halina Rosenthal, wrote to our members:
Rescued, Restored, Reimagined: New York’s Landmark Interiors
Celebrating the 50th anniversary of New York’s landmark legislation, this exhibition at the New York School of Interior Design will feature more than a dozen public spaces that have been designated as interior landmarks. Using both contemporary and archival photography, it will highlight the importance of public interiors as the spaces
32nd Annual Meeting and Awards Ceremony: Tuesday, March 17th
We are pleased to hold our 32nd Annual Meeting & Awards Ceremony at The Cosmopolitan Club. The Regency Revival-style building was designed by architect Thomas Harlan Ellett in 1932 and is a fitting setting to recognize the fine restoration, renovation, and advocacy work on the Upper East Side over the
ADVOCACY UPDATE: FRIENDS Files an Amicus Brief in Support of NYC
Friends of the Upper East Side Historic District (FRIENDS) and prominent local and national preservation groups, along with elected officials, have filed an amicus curiae brief on behalf of the City of New York in an ongoing battle to stop the demolition of two historic properties.
February 18th: A Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Landmarks Law
Following the completion of Central Park, upper Fifth Avenue became New York City’s most desirable address, where prominent families constructed opulent mansions.
February 4th: Interiors, A Book Talk
We are pleased to welcome interior designer Sandra Nunnerley for a book talk and signing as she presents a new collection of her work, Interiors.
ADVOCACY UPDATE: FRIENDS Speaks out Against the Frick with a Letter to the Editor
Once again, FRIENDS speaks out against the Frick expansion proposal! Click here to read our Letter to the Editor in the Christmas edition of Our Town.
Your Gift to FRIENDS Will Help Stop Two Proposals
In recent months, building proposals for two exceptionally important sites on the Upper East Side burst into the news: an enormous addition proposed for the FRICK COLLECTION and a new apartment tower next to the PARK AVENUE CHRISTIAN CHURCH.
Murray Moss on Georg Jensen
Those who braved the inclement weather and joined us at Scandinavia House were treated to a great presentation on Georg Jensen by the incomparable Murray Moss…
LPC Reverses Decision on Potential Landmarks!!
As we announced earlier this week, the Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) was poised to “de-calendar” nearly 100 buildings under consideration for landmark status in one fell swoop on Tuesday, December 9th.