Support Reasonable Alternatives to the Blood Center’s Commercial Tower

The community supports the important work of the Blood Center. However, the scale and nature of the current proposal are grossly inappropriate in any residential neighborhood. There are several viable and reasonable alternatives which would fulfill many of the Blood Center's goals.

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Tell Council Members to vote AGAINST the Blood Center rezoning

Use the form below to let the New York City Council know you're against the proposed Blood Center/Longfellow tower. Each submission will be emailed directly to all the members of the Committee on Land Use, Council Speaker Corey Johnson, and Council Members Ben Kallos and Keith Powers.

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PRESS RELEASE: City Planning Commission Approves Blood Center Rezoning

On Wednesday, September 22, 2021 the New York City Planning Commission voted 8-2 to approve the rezoning application by the New York Blood Center, despite significant and unified opposition from local politicians, civic groups, and residents.

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Elected Officials and Community Members Voice Their Opposition Against the Blood Center Rezoning

Last week, the City Planning Commission held a Public Hearing on the rezoning of the New York Blood Center site. Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, Council Member Ben Kallos, and Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer were among the many community members that spoke against the 334 foot commercial tower.

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Blood Center proposal at East 67th Street

The Fight Continues: Make Your Voice Heard Once Again on July 29 at the City Planning Commission

Our battle to stop the New York Blood Center/Longfellow 334 foot tall commercial tower continues. Last week, Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer held a public hearing on the issue, and while her recommendation isn't due until July 28th, the City Planning Commission has already scheduled its public hearing for July 29th.

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300 Upper East Siders Joined Elected Officials to Stop the Blood Center Tower

Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, State Senator Liz Krueger, Assembly Member Rebecca Seawright, Council Members Ben Kallos and Keith Powers, and Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer joined around 300 Upper East Side residents, community groups, and students and families from the Julia Richman Education Complex yesterday in a rally against New York Blood Center and Longfellow's 334 foot commercial tower.

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lower level view of NY blood center rendering

In The News: UES residents at war with New York Blood Center over HQ building plans

Read Melissa Klein's article at the New York Post about the ongoing fight against the Blood Center/Longfellow redevelopment.

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The New York Blood Center Advances Its Egregious Proposal – Help FRIENDS Fight It!

On April 19th, the New York Blood Center certified an application at the City Planning Commission for an astonishing array of rezoning, special permits, and amendments for a new building on their site at 310 East 67th Street.

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38th Annual Meeting and Awards – Watch it Here!

Last week, around 150 people joined us to celebrate and recognize the fine restoration, renovation, and advocacy work completed on the Upper East Side.

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Blood Center proposal at East 67th Street

Ask YOUR questions of the Blood Center/Longfellow tower proposal

Following an announcement last week that the New York Blood Center/Longfellow commercial office tower proposal at 310 East 67th Street has entered the “pre-certification” phase of the City’s official public review process, known as ULURP (Uniform Land Use Review Procedure), the project team will appear tomorrow at the Zoning and Development Committee of Community Board 8 for the first time since plans were announced in Fall 2020.

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FRIENDS of the Upper East Side 2020