Building Name
49 East 68th Street
Trowbridge & Livingston
Year(s) Built
Individual Landmark, Upper East Side Historic District

Project Information:
A neo-Federal style townhouse designed by Trowbridge & Livingston and built in 1913-14. Application is to construct a stair and elevator bulkhead, and modify window openings at the rear façade.
CB8 Hearing: 05/15/17 (Approved)
LPC Hearing: 06/06/17 (Approved)
FRIENDS' Testimony:
Overall, this application is an improvement to the existing conditions at both the roof and rear elevation of this building. The existing blue-painted rooftop bulkhead, while not visible from the street, is certainly oversized and an eyesore for those who can view this bulkhead from their windows. The proposed stair and elevator bulkhead will consolidate existing rooftop accretions, and its limestone cladding will help it blend into the surrounding rooftops. Although it will be slightly visible, the chimneys and rooftops of this building and its neighbors will conceal most of this addition.
At the rear, the proposed windows will regularize the fenestration. Although a few of the windows will be slightly larger than the existing windows, the multi-light panes are appropriate for a building of this style and are an improvement over the existing, somewhat industrial-looking windows. Our only concern is over the new brick infill at the rear, and we hope that it will closely match the existing brick and mortar. FRIENDS supports this project.