Building Name
31 East 63rd Street
Year(s) Built
1938 by Treanor & Fatio
Upper East Side Historic District

Project Information:
A row house built in 1877-79 and altered in 1938 by Treanor & Fatio. Application is to alter the front façade and construct a rooftop bulkhead and rear yard addition.
CB8 Hearing: 03/21/12 (Approved in part)
LPC Hearing: 05/08/12 (Approved with Modifications)
FRIENDS' Testimony:
While the Preservation Committee at FRIENDS found the alterations to the front façade acceptable, the omission of historic photographs from the presentation made it difficult to judge any reasoning behind the proposed changes. Similarly problematic was the failure to provide clear documentation of the block’s rear yard condition. With the information supplied, our committee found the proposed rear yard addition to be entirely unacceptable. This new incursion would replace the original pattern of fenestration and existing historic fabric with an insensitive design using materials like limestone, aluminum and wide expanses of glass. We ask the Commission to work with the applicant to craft a proposal that is more respectful of the original qualities of the rear façade.