28 East 70th Street

Building Name

28 East 70th Street


Emery Roth

Year(s) Built


Project Information:

A neo-Gothic style apartment hotel built in 1926-27 and designed by Emery Roth. Application is to enlarge a window opening.

CB8 Hearing: 04/18/12 (Disapproved)
LPC Hearing: 05/08/12 (Approved with Modifications)

FRIENDS' Testimony:

The design intent of the proposal to enlarge a fifteenth floor window at 28 East 70th Street is to match those windows adjacent to it. However, the size of the proposed opening and the proportions of its details differ significantly from the windows on either side. Furthermore, the existing opening matches the scale of the window directly below it, and altering its size would break this visual connection. For these reasons, the Preservation Committee at FRIENDS found the proposed window enlargement to be disruptive to the rhythm of fenestration and asks the Commission to reject this application.