Building Name
136 East 65th Street
Frederick S. Barus
Year(s) Built
Altered in Colonial Revival style, James Gamble Rogers, 1922
Upper East Side Historic District Extension

Project Information:
An Italianate style rowhouse designed by Frederick S. Barus and built in 1870-71, and altered in the Colonial Revival style by James Gamble Rogers in 1922. Application is to construct a rear yard addition and excavate the rear yard.
CB8 Hearing: 7/15/13 (Overall design: Approved; Window design: No position)
LPC Hearing: 7/23/13 (Approved)
FRIENDS' Testimony:
The Preservation Committee at FRIENDS found the proposed rear yard addition to be modest in scale and sensitive in materiality. However, the arched window openings on the second floor are characteristic features of this rear façade, and are consistent across adjacent row houses. Thus the new second floor windows of the proposed extension should echo their arched form. Also, the fenestration at the ground floor level is oversized, and would benefit from a reduction in glazing. With these changes incorporated into the proposal, FRIENDS could support approval of this application.