Building Name
10 East 63rd Street
James E. Ware
Year(s) Built
Upper East Side Historic District

Project Information:
A residence originally built by James E. Ware in 1878-79 and redesigned in the neo-Classical style by A. Wallace McCrea in 1922. Application is to excavate the rear yard.
CB8 Hearing: 04/13/17 (Approved)
LPC Hearing: 04/25/17 (Approved)
Other projects: November 27, 2018
FRIENDS' Testimony:
Our Preservation Committee had no concerns about the changes to the height of the garden surface or the alteration to the garden-level door, and the plantings will help enliven this space. While we are glad that the changes to this rear yard space are very minimal, we are concerned over the loss of the exterior egress from the cellar level to the rear yard. Overall, we can support this project, and appreciate that the proposal does not include a rooftop or rear yard extension – all too common among single-family townhouse residences on the Upper East Side.