- 11 Feb, 21Past
From Park Avenue to Pennsylvania Avenue
Thursday, 6:00 pmA Presidential View of the Upper East Side Ahead of Presidents Day, as a new president settles into Washington, FRIENDS takes a Presidential view of…
27 Jan, 21PastNew Year, Old World: Gilded Grandeur on the Upper East Side
Wednesday, 6:00 pm14 Jan, 21PastBook Talk: “It’s a Helluva Town: Joan K. Davidson, the J.M. Kaplan Fund, and the Fight for a Better New York”
Thursday, 6:00 pm15 Dec, 20PastHistoric Building Materials
Tuesday, 6:00 pmAn Introduction Metal to masonry; slate to stucco; brick to brownstone; copper to concrete. New York City’s built environment is constructed from a wide variety…
23 Nov, 20PastBuilding History Detectives
Monday, 6:00 pmWorkshop and Scavenger Hunt Get ready to be a skyline sleuth! Have you ever wanted to learn more about a building in your neighborhood? When…
12 Nov, 20PastTerra Cotta
Thursday, 6:00 pmDon't Take it for Granite! This virtual tour is with artist Susan Tunick, President of Friends of Terra Cotta, and author of several books including…
26 Oct, 20PastA Feminist Walk Through Harlem
Monday, 6:00 pmCelebrating Remarkable Women How do we honor Black and Latina women? How do we preserve their legacy? 2020 marks the Centennial of Women’s Suffrage, but…
24 Sep, 20PastThe Brownstone Bible is Back!
Thursday, 6:30 pmA Virtual Book Talk The Brownstone Bible is back and brand-new! Charles Lockwood’s seminal 1972 classic, Bricks and Brownstone, helped kick off New York’s brownstone…
27 Aug, 20PastArchitecture and Changing Lifestyles in Yorkville
Thursday, 6:30 pmA Virtual Tour Why would a block of 19th-century working-class tenements near the East River become home to members of the social register and the…
13 Aug, 20PastMonumental Women
Thursday, 6:30 pmA Conversation about Women, Statuary, History and Public Art This summer Meredith Bergmann’s Monumental Women sculpture will take its place on Literary Walk as the…
16 Jul, 20PastThe Decorated Tenement: An Illustrated Book Talk
Thursday, 6:30 pmFRIENDS has long maintained that Yorkville’s richly diverse cultural heritage was shaped by immigrants. Join us for a book talk with historian and author Zachary…
23 Jun, 20PastA Celebration of City and Suburban First Avenue Estate
Tuesday, 6:00 pmIn October 2019, the City and Suburban First Avenue Estate was saved from demolition, thanks to a years-long, hard-fought battle waged by the LPC, our…