Building Name
737 Park Avenue
Sylvan Bien
Year(s) Built
Upper East Side Historic District
Project Information:
A Classicizing Art-Deco style apartment building designed by Sylvan Bien and built in 1940. . Application is to replace windows.
CB8 Hearing: 06/20/12 (Disapproved)
LPC Hearing: 07/10/12 (Approved)
Other projects: March 5, 2013; April 23, 2013; June 25, 2013; 2017
FRIENDS' Testimony:
The Preservation Committee at FRIENDS is grateful to the owner of 737 Park Avenue for proposing a building-wide window replacement campaign which will impart a graceful uniformity to the façade. However, as presented, this proposal misses the perfect opportunity to return the fenestration to its original design by Sylvan Bien. While casement windows may be typical for pure Art Deco designs, 737 Park Avenue reads predominantly as a Classical building. FRIENDS respectfully asks the Commission to work with the applicant to reinstate a window plan that more accurately reflects the original 1/1, double-hung configuration.