Building Name
42 East 76th Street
John G. Prague
Year(s) Built
Upper East Side Historic District

Project Information:
A Queen Anne style rowhouse designed by John G. Prague and built in 1881-82. Application is to construct rooftop and rear yard additions and alter the front areaway.
CB8 Hearing: 09/16/13 (Front facade approved, Rear yard addition disapproved)
LPC Hearing: 09/24/13 (Approved)
FRIENDS' Testimony:
The Preservation Committee at FRIENDS commends the design team and the Hewitt School on their carefully considered application for alterations to 42 East 76th Street. The proposed front areaway, while not an exact recreation, recalls the historic design and materials replacing the extant unsympathetic concrete wall. Furthermore, the rooftop addition is only visible from restricted view corridors and the rear yard addition is conservative in massing, materials, and fenestration. Also, the rear yard addition adjoins several rear yards that have been compromised by previous encroachments. FRIENDS therefore recommends that the Commission approve this application.