Building Name
4 East 62nd Street
Year(s) Built
Redesigned in the neo-Renaissance style, Clinton and Russell, 1898
Upper East Side Historic District

Project Information:
A row house built in 1879-1880 and redesigned in the neo-Renaissance style in 1898 by Clinton and Russell. Application is to legalize the installation of an awning and lighting, without Landmarks Preservation Commission permit(s).
CB8 Hearing: 03/18/13 (Approved)
LPC Hearing: 04/09/13 (Approved with Modifications)
FRIENDS' Testimony:
There is photographic evidence of an awning existing at 4 East 62nd Street at the approximate time of designation of the Upper East Side Historic District. Although the awning was replaced without an LPC permit, the current awning is similar in design, materiality, and color to the previous awning and is consistent with other awnings in the historic district. The FRIENDS’ Preservation Committee therefore recommends Commission approval of this application.