Building Name
38-40 East 75th Street
Thom & Wilson (second building only)
Year(s) Built
2 buildings, both built 1881-82
Highly altered, John W. Ingle, 1926; Beaux-Arts style additions to second building, Herts & Tallant, 1910
Upper East Side Historic District

Project Information:
A row house built in 1881-82 and highly altered in 1926 by John W. Ingle; and a neo-Grec style row house designed by Thom & Wilson and built in 1881-82, with Beaux-Arts style additions designed by Herts & Tallant in 1910. Application is to combine the buildings, construct a rooftop addition, and alter the facades.
CB8 Hearing: 10/15/12 (Disapproved)
LPC Hearing: 11/13/12 (No Action)
FRIENDS' Testimony:
This proposal seeks to replicate the design of 40 East 75th Street and apply it to its neighbor at 38 East 75th Street. Although these buildings were originally part of an identical row of four, each row house has always been clearly delineated. These distinctive identities were further reinforced by each façade’s unique design evolution over the years. The Preservation Committee at FRIENDS finds that this proposal would be acceptable only if there are design distinctions to help these buildings continue to clearly read as two entities. We suggest maintaining two separate cornices, with a notch indicating the separation like on the neighboring buildings, rather than a cornice spanning the two façades. This distinct treatment of the cornices is the norm in 19th century row houses. Another suggestion would be to omit or modify certain design features in the replicated façade, such as the bay window and mansard roof.
Our committee also objects to the proposed casement windows. As shown in historic photographs, this row originally would have had 1/1 windows, and continues to do so today. Additionally, the proposal seeks to alter the placement of the stringcourses, which the committee found inappropriate and unnecessary. FRIENDS asks the Commission to work with the applicant on these issues before approving this application.