Building Name
22 East 81st Street
Thom & Wilson
Year(s) Built
Metropolitan Museum Historic District

Project Information:
A rowhouse, originally designed by Thom & Wilson and built in 1883-84, and remodeled c. 1977 with a new stucco façade. Application is to reclad the façade, replace windows and modify openings.
CB8 Hearing: 09/19/22 (Approved)
LPC Hearing: 10/25/22
FRIENDS' Testimony:
While we would have hoped to see more details and renderings of the proposal and its context, FRIENDS Preservation Committee is not opposed to the new facade at this altered 19th century rowhouse. Over the past years, when historic details have already been mostly removed from a building, the proposals that have come forward to this Commission are more akin to pastiche than to restoration.
We are pleased to see that the applicant here is not proposing to introduce faux historic details or styles, however, we would have liked to see this building restored to its original brownstone appearance, both in materials and architectural details. FRIENDS appreciates the reintroduction of the symmetry at the first and second floors and believes the streamlined limestone details to be elegant and appropriate.