“Kent is not an Ambassador to the Upper East Side. He was the founder of the Upper East Side. Kent led the battle with Jackie O. and others to save Grand Central, they got the Supreme Court to uphold the Landmarks Law. A year or two later he was appointed by Mayor Koch as Chair of the Landmarks Preservation Commission and he promptly set out to use all the powers the supreme court had given him, which included creating the Upper East Side Historic District. It would not exist without a lot of your help, but especially Kent’s leadership. So we’re here to honor the founder.” - Philip Howard
FRIENDS’ benefit dinner last month was a wonderful salute to the indispensable Kent Barwick, and celebration of FRIENDS’ 40th Anniversary. Kent’s impact on the city, and our neighborhood in particular, is unmatched. As we look to the next 40 years, we are inspired by Kent’s creative and committed approach. And we are emboldened in our mission to preserve the livability and architectural integrity of this rich and diverse part of New York. Scroll down to see the marvelous photos of the night.