Building Name
20 East 64th Street
Year(s) Built
Altered in neo-French Renaissance style, Frederick W. White, 1920-21
Upper East Side Historic District

Project Information:
A residence built in 1878-79 and altered in the neo-French Renaissance style by Frederick W. White in 1920-21. Application is to construct rooftop bulkheads, alter the rear facade and extension, and excavate a sub-cellar.
CB8 Hearing: 02/11/13 (Approved)
LPC Hearing: 02/26/13 (Approved)
Other projects: August 9, 2016
FRIENDS' Testimony:
The applicant proposes appropriate alterations to 20 East 64th Street; the elevator bulkhead is only moderately visible from the street and the window modifications at the upper portion of the rear impart order to the façade’s composition. And while the FRIENDS Preservation Committee is typically opposed to large swaths of glass, these new curtain wall systems at the lower levels of the rear façade are not obtrusive within the compromised rear yard. Our committee therefore supports approval of this application by the Commission.