Building Name
132 East 71st Street
F.T. Camp
Year(s) Built
Upper East Side Historic District

Project Information:
Originally a Queen Anne style, now neo-Federal style building designed by F.T. Camp and constructed in 1884-1885. Application is for a number of replacements and installations to the primary façade, rooftop, rear yard, and rear façade.
CB8 Hearing: 01/14/19 (Approved in part)
LPC Hearing: 03/05/19 (Approved)
FRIENDS' Testimony:
FRIENDS’ Preservation Committee approves of the alterations to the openings and façade materials at the penthouse level of 132 East 71st Street. We also do not oppose the lowering of the sills and enlarging the window openings on the third story of the front façade.
Unfortunately, FRIENDS cannot support the alterations to the fenestration on the rear elevation. The removal of all divided light windows -- including the handsome leaded glass special windows at the second floor -- and the expansion of various openings completely removes any remaining row-house character from this façade. The expanses of uninterrupted glass are excessive and completely distort the scale of this elevation. Our Committee was also felt that the applicants did not include sufficient images indicating the rear yard conditions of neighboring buildings on this block in order for the public to understand this house’s immediate context.
We understand that the window openings at this elevation have been significantly altered over time but we urge the Commission to deny this proposal. We recommend that the applicants study an alternative proposal for the window dimensions and divisions on the rear elevation that would be more in keeping with the character of this distinguished Upper East Side block.