Building Name
1141 Park Avenue
John Sullivan
Year(s) Built
Expanded Carnegie Hill Historic District

Project Information:
A neo-Grec style flats building designed by John Sullivan and built in 1884-85. Application is to construct a rooftop addition and elevator bulkhead, replace windows, and relocate and alter ground floor entrances.
CB8 Hearing: 01/08/18 (No position)
LPC Hearing: 03/06/18 (Approved)
FRIENDS' Testimony:
Both the 91st Street and Park Avenue elevations of 1141 Park Avenue have seen a vast number of alterations in this row house’s nearly 140 year life span. Thus, our Preservation Committee was pleased to see that the new owner is taking suitable care in the new design of this building’s exterior.
Evoking the appearance of the 1906 shop front door on 91st Street for the new main entrance is a thoughtful and welcome addition. While some members of our Preservation Committee raised concerns over the central location of the new proposed entry on East 91st Street, we appreciate that the current entrance on the Park Avenue facing facade will be replaced with a replica of the existing ground floor windows with rounded fan lights. Likewise, as the existing
multi light windows on the upper floors are not original, we are understanding of the reduction in the number of panes in the proposal.
While we do feel that the scale of the new penthouse is somewhat large, we do appreciate that it will be further set back from the cornice, and that the missing section of cornice on the 91st Street façade will be replaced. Overall, FRIENDS supports this application.