Building Name
St. Jean Baptiste R.C. Church
Nicholas Sirracino
Year(s) Built
Individual Landmark

Project Information:
An Italian Renaissance style church, designed by Nicholas Sirracino and built in 1910. The application is to replace limestone columns at the bell tower.
CB8 Hearing:
LPC Hearing: 05/15/12 (Approved)
FRIENDS Testimony:
The Preservation Committee at FRIENDS is concerned about the maintenance of this majestic building, as well as the safety of pedestrians and passersby. While we always hope that historic fabric can first be restored or alternatively substituted in kind, we find the proposed replacement of limestone columns to be a good solution to the problems facing St. Jean Baptiste. However, we are apprehensive about how GFRP will weather over time, and how this patina will correspond with the rest of the limestone façade. It is our hope that the applicant will supply the LPC with a full scale study into the feasibility of using other replacement materials such as granite, cast stone or terra cotta. We ask that the Commission work closely with the applicant to ensure the best outcome in material substitution.