Building Name
10 East 76th Street
Schwartz & Gross
Year(s) Built
Upper East Side Historic District

Project Information:
A rowhouse designed by John G. Prague and built in 1881-82 and altered in the Beaux-Arts style by Schwartz & Gross in 1907-08. Application is to replace areaway ironwork installed without Landmarks Preservation Commission permit(s), replace windows, alter the rear facade, and construct a rear yard addition and rooftop bulkheads.
CB8 Hearing: 6/23/23 (Approved)
LPC Hearing: 7/25/23 (Approved with modifications)
FRIENDS' Testimony:
FRIENDS’ Preservation Committee appreciates the applicants’ intent to restore the Schwartz and Gross Beaux-Arts details on this rowhouse, including reversing the non-historic areaway railing and installing a cast stone balustrade that resembles the original conditions, and replacing the current casement windows with one-over-one double hung windows that are in keeping with the Beaux-Arts style.
On the rear façade, we believe the proposed fenestration patterns on the south and east elevations, and the reconfiguration of the volumetric expression of the rear yard additions, create a more harmonious organization of the rear façade and we do not object to the increase in glazing. We do, however, ask the applicants to work to minimize the visibility of the rooftop elevator bulkhead and mechanical equipment from the public way.