Maps showing a comparison of areas with highest residential densities and highest land values. These are the areas that would be first impacted by lifting the 12 FAR cap. Image by George Janes.
For the fourth time in recent years, there is an active proposal at the highest level of state government to lift the longstanding cap on residential density in New York City. Without the state law that limits residential development to 12 FAR (Floor Area Ratio), New York City will likely implement plans to change zoning and allow for larger and taller buildings on the Upper East and Upper West Sides, as well as places like Sutton Place and Kips Bay. This change would likely lead to more development in what are already the densest residential neighborhoods in the country.
Advocates for lifting the cap claim that it is the key to the creation of vast amounts of affordable housing citywide. But new 12 FAR buildings are tall and expensive, usually built for an ultra-luxury audience who can pay for them. In existing residential areas they are likely to displace existing affordable units and threaten neighborhood infrastructure and livability. Huge portions of New York City are currently vastly underbuilt, and could accommodate more housing without rezoning. And there are better ways of achieving affordable housing in every neighborhood than increasing density in already very dense areas.
As of this week, we understand the Assembly and State Senate are likely to drop the proposal to lift the 12 FAR cap from their versions of the budget bill, but negotiations will be ongoing with the Governor until the April 1 budget deadline. Lawmakers need to hear from you now. Fill out the form below to send a letter to lawmakers asking them to SAY NO to lifting the 12 FAR cap.
If you choose to send your own email instead of the form:
Chairs of the Senate and Assembly Housing Committees
Assembly Member Steven Cymbrowitz CymbroS@nyassembly.gov
Senator Brian Kavanagh kavanagh@nysenate.gov
Leadership of the Senate and Assembly
Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie Speaker@nyassembly.gov
Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins scousins@nysenate.gov