Building Name
817-819 Madison Avenue
Carrere & Hastings
Year(s) Built
Upper East Side Historic District

Project Information:
A Beaux-Arts style mansion designed by Carrere & Hastings and built in 1892. Application is to construct a rear yard addition.
CB8 Hearing: 12/16/13 (Disapproved)
LPC Hearing: 01/21/14 (No Action)
LPC Meeting: 9/16/14 (Approved)
FRIENDS' Testimony:
Because the applicant refused to share the details of this proposed rear yard addition with our Preservation Committee, it was difficult to review the application for 817-819 Madison Avenue. However, from the information we were able to gather, the design appears to have little aesthetic merit. Furthermore, even though zoning permits a full lot addition, a level of architectural civility would avoid the regrettable suffocation of open space that neighboring buildings rely on for light and air.
An addition to this significant Carrère and Hastings mansion should be carefully considered so that its size, materials, and configuration are respectful to the building, the original footprint that has been maintained, and the adjacent historic structures the addition will affect. The Preservation Committee at FRIENDS urges the Commission to work with the applicant to craft an addition that is more considerate and appropriate to its historic surroundings.