Building Name
925 Park Avenue
Delano & Aldrich
Year(s) Built
Park Avenue Historic District

Project Information:
A Renaissance Revival style apartment building designed by Delano & Aldrich and built in 1907-08. Application to establish a master plan governing the future installation of windows.
CB8 Hearing: 07/13/15 (Disapproved)
LPC Hearing: 07/21/15 (Approved)
FRIENDS' Testimony:
One of the greatest threats to Park Avenue prior to the designation of the historic district, was the slow and steady accretion of small unsympathetic changes: highly visible and out of scale rooftop additions, through-wall air conditioners, removal of decorative treatments and ornamentation, and inappropriate window replacements. 925 Park Avenue is a prime example of how a seemingly minor change can have a detrimental effect on both the building and the district.
As we said in our testimony for the application for 911 Park Avenue on July 14th, this is an opportunity for the Commission to call for a window master plan that will correct the inappropriate 1-over-1 double hung windows now in use.
The master plan should prescribe 4-over-4 divided-light windows with wooden frames to match the historic configuration. The proposed use of 1-over-1 windows is inappropriate for this distinguished building, and for the historic district. As noted in the designation report, 925 Park Avenue represents the earliest extant apartment house over six stories constructed on Park Avenue, and one of the earliest purpose-built cooperative apartment houses in the city. It deserves an appropriate master plan that will enhance the building and the district.
The Preservation Committee at FRIENDS requests that the Commission work with the applicant to come up with an appropriate master plan.