Building Name
785 Fifth Avenue
Emery Roth & Sons
Year(s) Built
Upper East Side Historic District

Project Information:
An apartment building designed by Emery Roth & Sons and built in 1962-63. Application is to enlarge storefront openings and install infill and canopies.
CB8 Hearing: 04/19/23
LPC Hearing: 04/25/23
Other projects: January 15, 2013
FRIENDS' Testimony:
FRIENDS Preservation Committee finds that the proposed alterations to 785 Fifth Avenue respond to and complement Emery Roth & Sons’ streamlined, white brick modernist design while updating it for contemporary uses. The width of the expanded storefront openings and sign band is logically based on the fenestration of the upper floors, and they retain the height of the original slotted openings. We also appreciate that the new openings will save and reuse the limestone surrounds that frame the original slotted windows.
Our Preservation Committee also finds the proposed changes to the residential entry appropriate and in scale with the new storefront openings, and does not object to the fabric canopy with a bronze frame, or the ribbed bronze entrance bay above.