Building Name
7 East 84th Street
Augustus N. Allen
Year(s) Built
Metropolitan Museum Historic District

Project Information:
A rowhouse built in 1884-85 and redesigned as a neo-Regency style residence by Augustus N. Allen in 1906, and further modified with a garage at the ground floor installed prior to designation. Application is to alter the front and rear facades.
CB8 Hearing: 06/13/16 (Approved)
LPC Hearing: 06/28/16 (Laid Over); 07/26/16 (Approved)
Application is to amend Certificate of Appropriateness 19-3209 to modify the design of the entrance.
LPC Meeting: 07/16/19 (No Action)
LPC Meeting: 01/21/20 (Approved)
FRIENDS' Testimony:
The proposed alterations to the facade are respectful to the historic character of this stately building. Located on a busy thoroughfare, the widened garage door will not only offer easier vehicular access, but will also be an improvement over the existing garage door. FRIENDS appreciates the attempt to create two even piers of limestone at either end of the base, which will help add balance. Details like the voussoirs above the new garage opening and the paneled garage door will make the base seem more complete and of a higher quality. We also welcome the restoration of the facade, as well as the replacement of the windows in-kind and returning them to their original color. At the rear, the changes to the window openings are minimal, and the restoration of the bay with new copper will return some of the integrity to this elevation.
Our Preservation Committee does, though, have reservations about the proposed fence. The neighboring buildings do not have tall fences, and we believe that the addition of a six foot high fence will be imposing and will interrupt the streetscape. Overall, FRIENDS supports this application, but asks the Commission to deny the addition of the fence.
LPC Hearing:
FRIENDS' Testimony:
FRIENDS does not support this proposed amendment to Certificate of
Appropriateness #19-3209. We supported the approved 2016 design and feel
strongly that the limestone cornice should be retained above the entry door in its new location.