Building Name
46 East 65th Street
Ogden Codman
Year(s) Built
Upper East Side Historic District

Project Information:
A five-story residence built in 1876-77 and redesigned in the neo-Federal style by Ogden Codman in 1906-07. Application is for window replacement at the front facade, front door replacement, stair and bulkhead enlargments, and other work throughout the building.
CB8 Hearing: 07/15/2019 (Approved in part)
LPC Hearing: 10/29/2019 (Read into the Record)
LPC Meeting: 11/12/2019 (Approved)
FRIENDS' Testimony:
FRIENDS’ Preservation Committee commends the applicant for sourcing the archival drawings from the Ogden Codman collection as a reference for the full-with balcony intended to be installed at the second floor of the front facade. However, despite this preliminary study, the final design as built by Codman appears to be the two, graciously modest balconies that remain today. These two smaller railings complement proportions of the window, and FRIENDS sees no need to alter an intact Codman design. Retention of the two railings would add to the restorative work at the front facade, which could be further enhanced by stripping the paint or stucco material at the base to reveal the stonework, as per the tax photo.
With regard to the rooftop and the rear yard, both are already very large, although not as large as the depiction of the existing 6th floor in the current conditions drawings which is shown as occupying the full width of the building. The proposed bulkhead enlargement adds to this cumulative effect, and should be further reduced to minimize its visibility. Meanwhile, the combined masonry openings at the rear, in combination with the very large balconies, impart an unfortunate institutional feeling to this elegant residence.
FRIENDS Preservation Committee encourages the LPC to uphold the intact Codman design at the front, and work with the applicant to minimize the impact of the rooftop and rear façade alterations.