Building Name
45 East 66th Street
Harde and Short
Year(s) Built
Upper East Side Historic District

Project Information:
A neo-French Renaissance style apartment building with Gothic style elements designed by Harde and Short and built in 1908. Application is to construct a rooftop addition.
CB8 Hearing:
LPC Hearing: 10/21/14 (Laid Over); 11/18/14 (Laid Over); 12/09/14 (Approved)
FRIENDS' Testimony:
The Harde & Short building at 45 East 66th Street is beloved by many residents of the Upper East Side and our Preservation Committee was interested to see the applicant’s proposal. After careful evaluation, we found the proposed penthouse addition to be appropriate; mainly because it is so minimally visible from the public way. The use of “utility brick” for the existing penthouse and the new addition further mitigated the impact the change will have on the view down 66th Street.
FRIENDS supports the application.