Building Name
23-25 East 64th Street
Peckering & Walker; John C. Prague
Year(s) Built
1907-1908 and 1879-1880, with alterations in 1926 & 1980 and 1919 & 1980, respectively
Upper East Side Historic District

Project Information:
23 East 64th Street is a neo-Grec style rowhouse designed by John G. Prague and built in 1879-80 and altered at the upper two floors in the neo-Federal style by Pickering and Walker in 1907-08, and again in 1926 by J.R. Bonner and A. Weiser; and 25 East 64th Street is an Italianate style rowhouse designed by John G. Prague and built in 1879-80 and altered in 1919 and 1926. Application is to modify and legalize work completed in non-compliance with Certificate of Appropriateness 16-4650, and to legalize the installation of a flue without Landmarks Preservation Commission permit(s).
CB8 Hearing: 06/17/24 (Approved)
LPC Hearing: 08/06/24
FRIENDS' Testimony:
The FRIENDS Preservation Committee finds the current application appropriate and supports the installation of six-panel doors. We commend the applicant's efforts to restore original details to both buildings, including the previously omitted limestone band at 23 East 64th Street. However, as the 1940 Tax Photos provide a valuable reference for this restoration project, we request that the decorative reliefs depicted in those photos be restored to the panels below the second-floor windows of the brownstone at 25 East 64th, rather than the proposed addition of garlands.