Building Name
147 East 69th Street
John Correja (1880)</ br>Barney & Colt (1913)
Year(s) Built
1880 (built)</ br>1913 (altered)
Upper East Side Historic District

Project Information:
A garage/residence, originally built as a carriage house in 1880, and altered in in the neo-Georgian style by Barney & Colt in 1913. Application is to construct a rooftop addition and install a privacy wall at the rear terrace.
CB8 Hearing: 09/14/20 (approved)
LPC Hearing: 10/20/20 (approved)
FRIENDS' Testimony:
FRIENDS would like to commend the applicant for such a clear and complete presentation. We believe that not only the Commission benefits from a thoroughly well-presented proposal; the overall community – largely comprised of people with little familiarity with architectural drawings – also gains from it, being able to better understand and provide feedback to proposals on their neighborhoods.
In regard to the proposal, FRIENDS’ Preservation Committee believes this to be an excessively large addition to this modest carriage house, however, its setback from both the front and rear facades guarantee a minimal visibility. Therefore, we do not oppose the proposal, and agree that the one-story rooftop addition will not detract from the historic district.
Finally, while we believe that the glass-brick rear wall is slightly too modern for the building and its surroundings, we do not think it is inappropriate on this specific block, where, unfortunately, the donut is mostly gone.