Building Name
123 East 71st Street
Year(s) Built
c. 1865
Heavily altered, 1904, Thomas Nash
Upper East Side Historic District

Project Information:
An Italianate style residence built c.1865, and heavily altered in 1904 by Thomas Nash. Application is to construct a rooftop addition.
CB8 Hearing: 9/10/12 (Approved)
LPC Hearing: 11/13/12 (No Action)
FRIENDS' Testimony:
Because of precedents on neighboring buildings, a mansard rooftop addition at 123 East 71st Street is an appropriate choice. The adjacent building at 125 East 71st Street has a mansard addition with dormers, as well as the two other buildings on the street that survive in altered form from the original 1860s row. However, the Preservation Committee at FRIENDS questions the appropriateness of such an ornate design, which was deemed out of character with the simple, unadorned building below. To reinforce the idea of the original row, our committee suggests simple pedimented dormers like those currently in place at 125 East 71st Street and the other survivors of the row at 129 and 131 East 71st Street.
The Juliet balconies on the addition’s rear façade were likewise found to be overly decorative and proportionally heavy. A simplified balcony design would be more appropriate for the top level of a rear façade. Our Preservation Committee asks that the Commission continue to work with the applicant in addressing these issues before approving this application.