Building Name
12 East 82nd Street
Year(s) Built
Altered in neo-Federal style, Bradley Delehanty, 1920
Metropolitan Museum Historic District

Project Information:
A house built in 1888-89 and altered in the neo-Federal style by Bradley Delehanty in 1920. Application is to construct rooftop and rear yard additions, and excavate the rear yard.
CB8 Hearing: 11/18/13 (Front Facade and Rooftop – Approved; Rear Facade – Disapproved)
LPC Hearing: 11/26/13 (Approved with Modifications)
FRIENDS Testimony:
The Preservation Committee at FRIENDS commends the applicant for decreasing the bulk and footprint of the proposed rear addition from what was previously approved by the Commission. Although our committee agrees that a contemporary expression of the rear façade is acceptable because no historic material remains, the proposed design is strikingly uncharacteristic of a secondary residential façade in the Metropolitan Museum Historic District and boasts far too much glass. Furthermore the design has no relation to its immediate context, nor that of the historic building itself.
The other alterations to the property, including those to the glass studio window and the addition of a non-visible bulkhead, were found to be appropriate. Nevertheless, FRIENDS asks the Commission to work with the applicant to craft a design at the rear that is more representative of a secondary façade.