Building Name
117 East 72nd Street
Kenneth M. Murchison
Year(s) Built
Upper East Side Historic District Extension

Project Information:
A Colonial Revival style apartment building designed by Kenneth M. Murchison and built in 1927-28. Application is to enlarge a penthouse.
CB8 Hearing: 2/15/23 (Approved)
LPC Hearing: 2/28/23 (Approved)
FRIENDS' Testimony:
FRIENDS Preservation Committee understands the need for the proposed modifications to meet code requirements for the parapet and exterior egress stair and appreciates the modest nature of the interventions proposed to the 15th floor and penthouse level at 117 East 72nd Street.
We note that the modifications would be only minimally visible from the street level and neighboring buildings and that the materials used in the new construction will match the existing materials—the addition on the east elevation will match the existing brick, the new windows will be steel to match the existing windows, and the exterior egress stair will be black painted metal to match the existing fire escapes on the north elevation. Similarly, we feel the proposed non-reflective glass rail around the parapet would be an unobtrusive and subtle solution.