Building Name
110 East 70th Street
Year(s) Built
Altered in simplified Beaux-Arts style, Robertson & Potter, 1905
Upper East Side Historic District

Project Information:
A residence originally built in 1869 and altered by Robertson & Potter in 1905 in the simplified Beaux-Arts style. Application is to request that the Landmarks Preservation Commission issue a report to the City Planning Commission relating to an application for a Modification of Bulk pursuant to Section 74-711 of the Zoning Resolution.
CB8 Hearing: 10/07/13 (Approved)
LPC Hearing: 10/22/13 (Laid Over); 11/19/13 (Approved)
FRIENDS' Testimony:
The extensive restoration work undertaken at 110 East 70th Street is sufficient proof of a continuing maintenance program for the preservation of the building, the main requirement that must be met under Section 74-711 of the Zoning Resolution. Furthermore, the requested modification of bulk will retroactively legalize a harmoniously-designed, 100 square foot, one story rear addition. Although this is an unusual request to use completed work to fulfill the requirements of the 74-711, FRIENDS Preservation Committee finds that all conditions are met to permit the applicant’s modification of bulk and supports a favorable report from the Landmarks Preservation Commission.