Building Name
11-15 East 70th Street
Neo-French Classical style residence: John Duncan
Beaux-Arts style residence: Charles I. Berg
Year(s) Built
Individual Landmark

Project Information:
A neo-French Classic style residence, designed by John Duncan, and built in 1909-1910; and a Beaux-Arts style residence, designed by Charles I. Berg, and built in 1909-1910. Application is to amend Certificate of Appropriateness for a Master Plan for the installation of new window openings.
CB8 Hearing: 04/15/13 (No Effect)
LPC Hearing: 04/23/13 (Approved)
FRIENDS' Testimony:
The additional windows proposed in this amended master plan are simple and appropriate for a secondary façade. Furthermore, they improve the overall composition of the fenestration. FRIENDS recommends approval of this application.