Building Name
Tavern on the Green
Year(s) Built
Central Park
Scenic Landmark

Project Information:
A Victorian Gothic style building, designed by Jacob Wrey Mould and built in 1870-71, within an English Romantic style public park designed in 1856 by Olmsted and Vaux. Application is to demolish existing additions, construct a new addition, modify masonry openings, replace infill, install HVAC equipment, and modify landscape.
LPC Hearing: 02/21/12 (Approved)
FRIENDS' Testimony:
Because the architects could not present to the FRIENDS Preservation Committee, and refused to supply us with proposal materials, we had difficulty assessing the appropriateness of this application. From what our committee could ascertain, the work to remove the accretion of additions and restore the historic fabric of this building is exemplary. The proposed addition, however, is unrefined, discordant, and inconsistent with the architect’s approach toward returning the building to its historic form. While our committee is not against a contemporary addition to Tavern on the Green, we request that the Commission work with the applicant on a design that is more sensitive to the distinctive Victorian Gothic style of this important New York City icon.