Shaped by Immigrants: A History of Yorkville Book Talk
Calling all Yorkville fans! Did you miss FRIENDS of the Upper East Side’s launch party for our new book Shaped by Immigrants: A History of Yorkville? Dynamic and Educational, Shaped by Immigrants is a fully illustrated history of the physical development and immigrant roots of this quintessential New York City neighborhood. This original publication, researched and written by FRIENDS, uncovers the compelling story of Yorkville’s past as a home to Czechoslovakian, German, Hugarian, Irish and other immigrant groups, and places that history against the backdrop of representative buildings remaining today where immigrants lived, worked, shopped, and prayed. Join Rachel Levy and Sara Kamillatos from FRIENDS of the Upper East Side Historic Districts for an early-evening book talk and screening of our companion mini-documentary, both of which explore the heritage of this neighborhood and its beloved buildings. Books will be available to purchase for $30, with a special discount for current members of FRIENDS.
Co-sponsored by Friends of the Upper East Side Historic Districts and the NYPL Webster Library Branch.

Tuesday, February 5th
5:30 p.m.
Webster Library
1465 York Avenue
Free and open to the public. Advance registration is required.
To verify your current membership status, please call 212-535-2526
or email us at

Shaped by Immigrants: A History of Yorkville