Building Name
Central Park, Fort Clinton and Nutter’s Battery Overlooks
Central Park: Olmsted and Vaux
Year(s) Built
Central Park: 1886
Second overlook redesigned 1940s
Scenic Landmark

Project Information:
Two overlooks, one designed in the 1940s and the other redesigned in the 1940s, at the sites of early 19th century fortifications within and English Romantic style public park designed in 1856 by Olmsted and Vaux. Application is to replace walls, fencing, curbing, paving, and benches, modify a monument, install a flagpole, and remove a lamppost.
LPC Hearing: 11/26/13 (Approved)
FRIENDS' Testimony:
The Central Park Conservancy’s efforts to integrate these two overlooks into the surrounding landscape of the park are laudable and will vastly improve both sites. Furthermore, the proposal’s emphasis on natural features and the resulting rustic character will reflect the original Olmstedian intent of this scenic landmark. The Preservation Committee at FRIENDS supports approval of this project.