April 2020 marks the 55th anniversary of the New York City Landmarks Law, and this year, our neighborhood has something extra special to celebrate as we honor this milestone year. As of October 2019, the City and Suburban First Avenue Estate has been saved from demolition, thanks to a years-long, hard-fought battle waged by the LPC, our elected officials, and concerned preservation organizations like FRIENDS.
Join FRIENDS' Board President, Franny Eberhart, for a presentation that will review the 30 years of persistence and advocacy that finally insured the landmark protection of the First Avenue Estates. Along the way, we'll look at the growth of the preservation ethic and law, and the little-used but very important hardship provision.

This program was supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs and New York City Department of Youth & Community Development in partnership with the City Council.