State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) approves 2 Link5G towers on UES

The State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) has approved the construction of two Link 5G tower locations on the Upper East Side. SHPO has agreed with the assessments of franchisees Boldyn and CityBridge that these towers would not have a negative impact on nearby historical sites.

FRIENDS is a consulting party for the Section 106 process, and disagrees with the proposed construction of Link 5G towers. We submit comments to SHPO on all the towers proposed for locations on the Upper East Side. You can read our comments by tapping on the proposed tower addresses above.

Members of the public can review the LinkNYC 5G proposed site map and download this comment form to submit feedback on Link5Gs to For more information about the LinkNYC 5G Section 106 public engagement process, click here.

Keep an eye on our website for more news about LinkNYC.

Map of LinkNYC New-Site Permit Applications