CPC approves “City of Yes for Housing Opportunity”

Image: Department of City Planning

Last week, the City Planning Commission voted to approve the City of Yes for Housing Opportunity, the third and final part of the City of Yes package of zoning text amendments. It was not all smooth sailing for the plan--the proposals were subject to a series of modifications, and three commissioners voted against it in the final instance. Although details about the extent of the modifications are yet to emerge, we know the proposal to allow infill on NYCHA campuses has been dropped. The Commission will now send the proposal to the City Council, where there will be public hearings and a final vote before the end of the year.

FRIENDS testified on City of Yes at the July 10 City Planning Commission together with some 200 New Yorkers. We voiced our concerns with both the process as well as the potential consequences of some proposed amendments. One of our primary concerns is that instead of focusing on creating affordable housing the plan relies on market forces, claiming that a greater supply of housing will push prices down. Past experience on the Upper East Side leads us to believe this approach will create more luxury development, displacing existing, relatively affordable housing options. FRIENDS is also concerned about City of Yes weakening of public review processes for development projects, and proposed changes to open space requirements that ensure sufficient light and air at street level, which is crucial in densely built areas such as the Upper East Side. You can read our full statement here.

Stay tuned for more updates once the City of Yes text goes to City Council. We will keep you informed about scheduled public hearings as well as how to write to your City Council Member to make your voice heard.