Building Name
1083 Fifth Avenue
Turner & Kilian
Year(s) Built
Expanded Carnegie Hill Historic District

Project Information:
A Beaux-Arts style townhouse designed by Turner & Kilian and built in 1901-02, with significant alterations by Ogden Codman in 1913-15. Application is to alter the areaway and construct an areaway wall.
CB8 Hearing: 07/13/20 (Disapproved)
LPC Hearing: 03/01/22 (Approved)
Other projects: July 27, 2021
FRIENDS' Testimony:
As a disclaimer, Ronda Wist, of Wist Preservation Associates, sits on FRIENDS’ Board of Directors. However, she has not participated in any discussion regarding this application.
FRIENDS sympathizes with the owner’s desire for privacy and security; however, the proposed design is rather incongruous with the style and character of both the townhouse and of Fifth Avenue. This building is a fine example of Ogden Codman’s work, and we appreciate the careful consideration to not disrupt the existing historic fabric of the facade; nonetheless, we believe a more restrained proposal to be more appropriate.
Most of the precedents shown by the applicant display lower planters enclosed by simple fencing or areaway walls with little to no details, and none of the entrances are gated. The proposed metal gate is a jarring addition, significantly detracting from the building’s character and not in keeping with its style. As mentioned, FRIENDS Preservation Committee understands the desire to create a buffer zone between the public sidewalk and private residence, but we believe that can be successfully accomplished without completely enclosing the areaway.
We urge the applicant to work with the Commission to come back with a more restrained proposal, with subdued details, and without a gate.