829 Madison Avenue
Building Name
829 Madison Avenue
Charles Buek & Company
Year(s) Built
Upper East Side Historic District

Project Information:
829 Madison Avenue is an altered Queen Anne style residence designed by Charles Buek & Company constructed in 1885-86. Application is for modifications to the façade, install storefront infill, and replace roofing.
CB8 Hearing: 11/17/22 (Approved)
LPC Hearing: 12/13/22 (Laid over)
FRIENDS' Testimony:
FRIENDS Preservation Committee appreciates the thoughtful consideration given to the structure and materials of the original rowhouse and the current context of the surrounding double-height Madison
Avenue storefronts in the development of the proposal.
In addition, we welcome the planned preservation work to remedy prior LPC violations including repair of the roof and addition of snow guards, removal of paint and repointing of the brick façade on the upper three floors, and the replacement of casement windows with double-hung windows, in keeping with the older windows on the upper floors of the building.
While we commend the architects for the harmonious character of their storefront design, and its referencing of the original townhouse in reintroducing masonry cladding and a cornice on the façade, FRIENDS is concerned that the brick piers, even though darker in color, appear too similar to the brickwork on the upper floors.
In many other Madison Avenue storefronts, the materials used for the storefront bump out create a strong differentiation between the retail spaces and the floors above. In this case, a change in materials would also be more in keeping with the character of the original rowhouse with its rusticated base.
We also question the use of GFRC in brownstone tone for the stringcourse above the retail storefront rather than stone or terracotta. We urge the commission to take our concerns into consideration and ask the architects to work to finetune the proposal.