Building Name
726 Madison Avenue
Morrell Smith
Year(s) Built

Project Information:
A neo-Georgian style bank building designed by Morrell Smith and built in 1932. Application is to replace entrance infill and door surround, shutters, and special windows, enlarge a masonry opening, construct rooftop additions, enclose a lightwell, and install rooftop HVAC equipment.
CB8 Hearing: 09/16/24 (approved)
LPC Hearing: 09/24/24 (no action)
FRIENDS' Testimony:
FRIENDS of the Upper East Side supports a part of this application to convert the original Bank of The Manhattan building into an adaptive reuse. On the Madison Avenue façade, we find new decorative marble door entry stylistically appropriate. We support replacing the existing window with the new side entry door on the 64th Street façade to ensure compliance with the required certificate of occupancy. The rooftop additions, on the other hand, are bulky and visually obtrusive; they must be substantially minimalized in scale.
LPC Hearing: September 24, 2024