Building Name
41-43 East 70th
Mott B. Schmidt
Year(s) Built
Upper East Side Historic District

Project Information:
A Regency Revival building designed by Mott B. Schmidt and constructed in 1928-1929. Application is to construct a rooftop addition and to alter the entrance and stoop.
CB8 Hearing: 12/16/24 (Approved)
LPC Hearing: 01/14/24 (Approved w/modifications)
FRIENDS' Testimony:
FRIENDS Preservation Committee commends the applicant's efforts to restore the historic integrity of this stately building, particularly at the entrance and the stoop of the front façade. We regret that the elevator and stair bulkhead is visible from the street, but because it is clad in gray stucco and blends well, FRIENDS can support it.
LPC Hearing: January 14, 2025