Building Name
26 East 78th Street
Silas M. Styles
Year(s) Built
Metropolitan Museum Historic District

Project Information:
An Italianate style rowhouse designed by Silas M. Styles and built in 1871. Application is to demolish an existing rear yard addition, and construct rear yard and rooftop additions.
CB8 Hearing: 02/10/20 (Approved)
LPC Hearing: 08/04/20 (Approved with modifications)
FRIENDS' Testimony:
FRIENDS’ Preservation Committee does not oppose the proposed rooftop addition. Its minimal visibility will not detract from the streetscape or negatively impact the historic district. Customarily, FRIENDS opposes large-scale additions that significantly diminish the rear yard and reduce the size of the donut. However, the existing yard is completely enclosed and does not contribute to this block’s donut, therefore we reluctantly support the proposed rear yard addition.
Finally, FRIENDS appreciates the in-kind restoration of the main facade, however, we would have liked to see a more comprehensive drawing showing the accessibility lift to be installed. We understand that this part of the proposal is being reviewed and approved at staff level, nonetheless, FRIENDS believes the public would have benefited from seeing the full scope of the alterations proposed at the entryway.