Building Name
15 East 91st Street
Leonard Schultze & Associates
Year(s) Built
Expanded Carnegie Hill Historic District

Project Information:
A Modern style apartment building designed by Leonard Schultze & Associates and built in 1946-47. Application is to remove a balcony enclosure.
CB8 Hearing: 06/14/21 (Approved)
LPC Hearing: 07/27/21 (Approved)
FRIENDS' Testimony:
FRIENDS laments the loss of the original open balconies on this classic white brick apartment building. The staccato effect of these balcony openings, most of which have already been compromised, was a classic midcentury design feature that emphasized the horizontal lines of the building. Thus, we appreciate the applicant’s desire to restore it to its historic condition. The recreation of the historic metal railing will reintroduce the streamline details that have been stripped from this building.
We do recognize, however, the break of the uniformity on the west bay, which could be resolved with the establishment of a master plan, focusing on the reopening of the enclosed balconies.