Building Name
1312 Madison Avenue (aka 1306-1312 Madison Avenue, 26-28 East 93rd Street)
George W. Spitzer
Year(s) Built
Carnegie Hill Historic District

Project Information:
A Renaissance Revival style apartment hotel designed by George W. Spitzer and built in 1897. Application is to install one new awning and legalize one existing AC unit.
CB8 Hearing: 12/16/24 (Approved)
LPC Hearing: 01/07/25 (Approved w/modifications)
FRIENDS' Testimony:
Friends Preservation Committee stands as a staunch advocate for the master plan governing storefronts on Madison Avenue. Recognizing the frequency of alterations to storefront infill along the avenue's ascent through the historic districts of the Upper East Side, we emphasize the critical importance of adhering to the master plan's guidelines. This adherence is paramount to safeguarding both the avenue's commercial vitality and its historic fabric, elements that collectively define the area's unique character.
We commend the architect's exploration of alternative solutions since the 2023 hearing, particularly the adjustments made to address the concerns surrounding the large and boxy awning. The reduction in both the awning's height and width, along with the introduction of openings on the sides and bottom, represents a step in the right direction. However, our committee remains apprehensive about the awning's extended reach of 8 feet from the façade into the street, deviating from the previously established 4-10 feet extension. We believe this modification poses a potential detriment to the pedestrian experience, especially considering the building's prominent corner location at 93rd Street.
LPC Hearing: January 7, 2025